【News】New Arrival- Vacuum distillation
In order to resolve the troubles resulted from Industrial waste water, Taiwan Fimitech presented “Vacuum distillation” on “TIMTOS”, the exhibition in Taipei. The application does not involve any use of chemical solvents. It adopts the latest technology of vacuum evaporation and condensation which is able to reduce the waste water to 1/20 of the original. The recycled water can then be reused to achieve the goal of zero emissions and pollution. It is not only the savior of industrial wastewater treatment, but also the best equipment to protect our environment.
Taiwan Fimitech is the NO.1 high-end metal processing oil supplier in Taiwan. It provides eco-friendly oil products to the industry, which is affirmed by many customers. Said the deputy general manager, Chuan-Chuan Chao, “We don't have to sacrifice the environment while we are developing the economic. Industrial development can coexist and prosper with the environment and ecology.” The "Vacuum Distillation" was born to solve the industrial wastewater.
Chao said, “the Vacuum Distillation is a revolutionary innovation, it has replaced the traditional combustion method, and there’s no doubt about air pollution discharge. It applies the new technology of vacuum evaporation and condensation. It lowers the boiling point of wastewater to 40 - 60°C in a vacuum distillation barrel. Water vapor condensed into water through a condenser. The process turns 20 barrels of wastewater into only 1 barrel of concentrated waste effluent and 19 barrels of water, which can be recycled and reused.”
“Vacuum Distillation” is the savior of industrial waste-water treatment. “A legit waste water treatment can cost NT12 to 20 per liter. This is quite a burden to a company.. This machine can process 200 to 2,000 liters per day of industrial wastewater, depending on the scale needed by customers.”, said Chao. The energy consumption is greatly reduced due to the high-efficiency scroll heat pump compressor. The cost of one liter is less than one dollar, which enables enterprises to reduce costs. Furthermore, it achieves the goal of environmental protection as well as zero emissions and pollution, last but the not the least, contributes to Taiwan's eco-friendly environment. Click on the link for more information: www.fimitech.com.tw Business telephone number: (+886) 4 2418-0000。